Winter Checklist: How to Keep Cold Air Out This Winter
If your customers can’t stay warm in the homes you build, where can they be warm? Houses and condos should be designed to protect their owners from the elements; when they fail, it’s time to rethink the quality of [...]
The Best Patio Doors for Cool Climates
The colder months have arrived, and it’s only going to get colder for some time. You may have already checked your windows and performed fall maintenance on your home, but did you consider whether your patio doors are still [...]
How to Beautify Your Home’s Exterior with Specialty Windows
There’s only so much you can do to improve the exterior of your home. If you have a significant budget and time, you could consider a major facelift to your home’s façade. This would involve replacing your siding or [...]
Advantages of Installing Awning Windows in Your Home
Every different type of window that you might choose to add to your home brings particular advantages. To get the most out of your windows, it pays off to learn about the different types available to you and when [...]
Common Household Products to Avoid Using When Cleaning Windows
Your windows work at their best when they are kept in excellent condition. Not only does this mean you need to perform regular yearly maintenance on your windows, but you also need to keep them clean and tidy. While [...]
Why Fall is the Perfect Season to Replace Your Windows
When it comes for home maintenance, it pays to know the best time of year to perform specific tasks. Your windows are your view of the outside world, but they are also one of your key defences to protect you [...]
3 Benefits of Having Fiberglass Entry Doors
The decision to upgrade the front door of your home when it is getting older or is damaged is easy to make. That’s because there are so many benefits that you stand to gain from installing a new door. The [...]
How to Upgrade Your Garden’s Look This Summer
The summer is the best season to enjoy relaxing outdoors. When you own a property that offers a beautiful garden, you can get all of the joys of the best outdoor space within the comfort of your own home. It [...]
4 of the Best Front Doors for Your Home
The first thing your guests will see as they approach your home will be your front door, but that doesn’t mean you should choose the first option you find. If you don’t take the time to consider the best door [...]
What to Know Before You Open Your Windows This Summer
When we do everything possible to conserve the heat inside our homes during the winter months, the air can start to get a bit stuffy. That’s why it’s so refreshing when the weather finally turns warm enough to keep your [...]
How to Improve Indoor Air Quality During the Summer
Busy and productive cities tend to create a lot of air pollution. Even when you live in a city that doesn’t contain many industrial polluters, things like airports and heavy traffic can add up fast. If you’ve noticed that you [...]
Window Energy Ratings Explained
One of the most frequently asked questions that we get asked from customers here at Casa Bella Windows and Doors is, “how do window energy ratings work?” That’s because homeowners are eager to increase the energy efficiency of their homes, [...]
Common Summer Window Problems and How to Prevent Them
It is common for homeowners to remember to inspect their windows in preparation for the winter; this makes sense because no one wants to suffer through the coldest months with a broken window or frame that allows the outdoor air [...]
The Health Benefits of Windows and Natural Light
Now that the winter season is over and daylight savings has ended, everyone is rushing to try to make up for the sunlight they’ve gone without through the winter. While we all hear that the sun’s natural light is vital [...]
Rebates for Energy Efficient Windows
There’s nothing better than a win-win situation when it comes to improving your home. With energy-efficient windows, that’s what you’ll get. That’s because anytime you improve your home’s energy efficiency by making purchases that help reduce your home’s energy consumption, [...]