It is common for homeowners to remember to inspect their windows in preparation for the winter; this makes sense because no one wants to suffer through the coldest months with a broken window or frame that allows the outdoor air to get inside.

While keeping up with window maintenance in preparation for winter is a great idea, that shouldn’t mean that you are safe to neglect your windows once the spring arrives. While most people tend to welcome the summer as the most temperate time of year, it is not without extremes in temperature and, consequently, can become as troublesome as winter when it comes to maintaining your windows.

Getting Help from the Window Experts

Luckily, Casa Bella Windows can help you sort out any problems you might experience with your windows in the summer. We can also help you find upgrades that will give you new options, like increased energy efficiency, should you be in the market for new windows. When you hire our team to install your new windows, you’ll also eliminate your summer and winter window problems in one stroke.

It is perfectly reasonable that most homeowners don’t want to go running to the phone every time they spot the first sign of trouble or are unsure whether there’s a problem occurring in the first place. To help you on your way to assessing the current state of your windows in preparation for the upcoming summer heat, here is a list of common problems you might be able to experience and what to do when you spot them.

Condensation builds upon a window, obscuring a lush summer view


The most common problem with windows in the summer is the build-up of condensation. Not only is this issue a common one, but it can be complicated as well. Seeing moisture on your windows might seem like a simple thing initially, but there are a number of different causes that could be in play in any instance of window condensation.

The first thing you’ll want to do when faced with window condensation is open your windows. Often condensation builds up on windows because the outside air pressure is different than the pressure inside your home. If you can get rid of the moisture in this way, you’re probably all set.

If this cure does not help, then you could be facing a more significant issue. When moisture gets trapped between the panes in your windows, there is sometimes no solution other than a window replacement. One of the reasons for this is that this problem usually occurs due to a damaged window or an improper installation. In that case, you’ll need new windows and professional window installation services to fix the problem.

Leaky Windows

Leaky windows can also cause moisture on your window panes since water can get through areas that should be adequately sealed. As in the case of condensation, the problem in the case of leaky windows could be caused by an incorrect window installation or damage.

One of the main reasons people are more cautious about caring for their windows during the winter is that they don’t want to waste money on a higher heating bill due to drafts.

While the summer months tend to offer more comfortable outdoor temperatures, they can also include powerful heat waves that are just as daunting to indoor climate control as the worst winter chill. If your windows aren’t working properly during the summer, your power bill will also increase due to more wear on your cooling system.

Air Pollutants

Along with the havoc that drafts will wreak on your air conditioning system, they may contribute to more exposure to pollution, particularly if you live in a city that frequently experiences poor air conditions. In this case, you may want to look into insulating windows in the summer to ensure that you allow as little air inside your home when you don’t want it.

When considering problems associated with windows and your indoor air quality, you should begin by keeping your windows closed as often as possible during periods of poor air quality in your city. If you do not find that this helps fix the problem, then you could schedule an appointment with a member of our team to come to your house to assess your windows for leaks that are not easy to detect.

Window damage will pose a problem in your home at any time of year, so you should never hold off on getting repairs when you need them. If you suspect your windows are damaged, or you’d like some help in assessing their condition, feel free to contact us right away to get assistance.