When purchasing new windows, one of the most vital considerations you should make is to think about window safety, along with your health. However, window health and safety don’t refer primarily to how safe your windows are on their own since a window that functions correctly and is well-built should pose no threats to anyone. Instead, it refers to ways your windows can contribute to a safer and healthier home in which to live.

The Case of Old or Broken Windows

That said, if you want to ensure that your windows pose no danger to you or your family, the best way to do so is to check to see if your windows are in working condition or whether they need to be replaced. If your windows are old or do not function properly due to damage or poor window installation, they could pose potential safety risks.

If you notice any damage to your windows and suspect that they need to be replaced, you should contact us at Casa Bella Windows and Doors for an assessment. Not only can our team guarantee that you’ll get high performance windows that will contribute to your health and safety, but we can also offer professional installation services.

Upgrading Your Windows

If you do realize that you require new windows, you’ll have the opportunity to choose options like energy efficient windows, which will allow you to lower your heating bill by using less electricity to heat your home. This will contribute to lower carbon emissions for the planet, which helps support the health of everyone.

Safe Indoor Air Quality

One of the main ways that your windows contribute to better health in your home is by helping you to maintain and control your air quality. There are several ways that high performance windows can contribute to healthier air quality in your home. These can be divided into situations where you want to keep poor-quality outdoor air from entering your home and situations where you want to allow fresh air inside for ventilation.

Ventilating Your Home

If you want to allow fresh air into your home through specific windows, you should ensure that you have operable windows installed in those places. Operable are those that can open when you want them to open and perform well at sealing when you have them shut. In this sense, they will allow you to gain control of your indoor air quality.

Keeping Poor Air Outdoors

If your windows are not sealed properly, it can increase your power bill by allowing outside air to get in. Unfortunately, any such leaks will also allow pollution to enter your home when your area experiences poor air quality.

If you live in a densely populated urban area, you are probably familiar with the need to watch your local forecast for poor air quality conditions. For example, if you’re buying windows in Toronto and the GTA, you’ll want to ensure you have windows that are capable of protecting you from smog during forecasts of poor air quality.

Protect from Break-ins

Whether you’re buying windows and doors in Mississauga or anywhere in Canada, it is always a good idea to ensure that they help your home to stay safe. Since windows are the site where break-and-enters often occur, it is essential to consider how your windows could be safer in this regard.

While new windows with secure locks may be more challenging for potential intruders to open and discourage break-ins in this regard, you can also buy more secure devices to protect your windows, such as security films or bars.


Whether or not you have young children living in your home, it is important that your windows do not pose a threat to any child. Open windows positioned in elevated areas could pose a risk to young children, so you should always ensure that your windows cannot be easily opened by a child who lives in your home or is visiting.

If you’re concerned about your child’s safety around your windows, you can also install childproofing devices and make efforts to teach your children about proper window safety.

If you’re concerned about window health and safety in your home, contact us at Casa Bella Windows and Doors for more suggestions you can apply when picking out new windows.