Now that the winter season is over and daylight savings has ended, everyone is rushing to try to make up for the sunlight they’ve gone without through the winter. While we all hear that the sun’s natural light is vital to health and well-being, do you know why?

Here are a few ways that upgrading your windows to options that allow you to get more sun can improve your health that will make you consider a larger option next time you need a window installation in Toronto or anywhere in lower Ontario.

Daily Dose of Vitamin D

Vitamin D offers humans a variety of health benefits, such as being good for your bones because it helps the body absorb and make use of calcium. While people often believe that we get vitamin D from the sun, that isn’t accurate. The truth of the matter is that the human body produces Vitamins D1, D2 and D3 when it is exposed to sunlight. That said, you can also get Vitamin D from certain foods like milk.

Given the importance of sunlight to the amount of vitamin D that your body gets, anyone low in vitamin D can stand to benefit from doors and windows in Toronto designed to maximize the amount of sunlight that enters the home.

Fights Seasonal Depression

Another health benefit that people enjoy when exposed to more sunlight is that they tend to experience better moods. Studies have shown that increased exposure to natural light is good for your mental health, and there is also a syndrome called SADS, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, linked to exposure to natural light.

For this reason, those who live in areas of the world like Toronto that experience substantially less sunlight during the winter months may benefit from a window upgrade.

A woman in a white leotard practices yoga in front of bright light from windows on a white wall.

Regulate Sleeping Patterns

If you’ve been having trouble falling asleep during the night or have been feeling especially tired during the daytime, the reason could be that you are not getting exposed to enough sunlight.

The next time you’re considering insulating your windows, you might also want to get a professional from our team to assess your home to determine whether it can accommodate more oversized windows.

Sanitize Your Home

While sunlight doesn’t kill every kind of harmful microbe, it has been shown to be effective in killing some kinds of harmful pathogens, such as the SARS virus. Allowing more sunlight inside by installing larger windows can help sanitize your home against some kinds of harmful bacteria and viruses.

Other Health Benefits

Along with the health benefits that your windows can provide you by introducing more natural light into your regular day-to-day lifestyle, they can offer other health benefits. For example, windows designed to open can allow you to access fresh air easily.

If you’re concerned about your windows and your indoor air quality, the best solution is to install windows that provide you with more control over how much air enters your home. Whether you’re looking to allow more fresh air to enter your home or keep poor quality air outside on days with increased levels of pollution in the air, the answer is more control.

The Benefit of a Professional

Whenever you decide to upgrade your windows, it is essential that you hire an experienced professional to complete the installation. While installing windows might not seem difficult at first, a poor installation can result in many window problems, such as a buildup of condensation that will block sunlight from entering your home.

If you’re interested in bringing more light into your home, please get in touch with us to assess your options.