Interior designers are experts in transforming residential and commercial properties into functional and stylish spaces — but it’s not without its challenges. An interior designer is responsible for sourcing materials, fixtures, furniture, and decor that not only fits the space aesthetically but also meets their clients’ needs in terms of functionality.

The right suppliers can make or break a design project. Designers must be able to research manufacturers and distributors, review portfolios and gather quotes to determine which supplier can help bring their design vision to life.

In this article, we’ll focus on one of the most important features of a home — its windows, and how interior designers can choose top window suppliers for their projects.

Review Experience and Past Work

From window suppliers to flooring installation and painters, experience is key when hiring professionals for design clients. Interior designers are expected to be specialists in their field, and when it comes to ensuring the windows you’ve selected meet client standards, it’s important to have a clear understanding of each supplier’s past work and experience.

The longer a supplier has been in business and the more extensive their portfolio, the more confident you can feel sourcing their products for your residential or commercial spaces.

Assess Product Quality

As a designer, you must take your client’s budget and ensure it’s spent on high-quality products. Whether you’re looking for a source for awning windows or you’re interested in creating customizable windows for your client, without a quality product, you won’t get the results you need.

Window materials, in particular, should always be designed to provide enhanced safety, functionality, and comfort to any home. This means assessing potential suppliers’ ability to use Health Smart Certified windows, energy-efficient frame materials and glazing treatments, and fixtures made from high-grade metals and brass.

Communication is Key

Designing a residential or commercial space is time-consuming and requires several steps, from the initial blueprints to the final product. During these stages, designers must be able to get a hold of their window suppliers.

Choosing a window supplier means investigating their customer service practices. Do they provide initial assessments to address any issues that arise? Are their representatives available by phone and email? Is there a showroom that you can visit when you have questions or need to source new materials? These questions will help you determine if a supplier has its clients’ best interests at heart and cares about the products they put out.

How Casa Bella Can Help

At Casa Bella Windows and Doors, we understand what it takes to fulfill client requests on strict budgets and timelines. With over 60 years of experience and a clear understanding of common window design trends, we can help interior designers bring their creative visions to life.

When sourcing windows for a renovation project, you need a supplier with a wide selection of window styles and treatments and can create custom shapes to match any home aesthetic.

Contact Casa Bella today to take your interior design project to the next level.