Busy and productive cities tend to create a lot of air pollution. Even when you live in a city that doesn’t contain many industrial polluters, things like airports and heavy traffic can add up fast. If you’ve noticed that you have to clean your windows often, then the chances are that your air isn’t as clean as you’d like it to be.

Luckily, whatever air quality conditions you happen to be facing, there are ways to improve your situation. It starts with identifying health and safety concerns, such as allergies that might be particular to you and assessing the condition of your windows.

A woman in a white shirt breathes in the clean air beside lush, green foliage

Have Your Air Conditioner Inspected

If you haven’t had a professional check on your air conditioning system recently, the beginning of summer is the perfect time to do so. Air conditioning sucks moisture from your home that can accumulate in the machinery that brings cool air back to cool your rooms. If too much water is present in your air conditioner when you put it into storage for the winter, it can cause dangerous mould to build up.

Consequently, you could face a situation where your air conditioner introduces harmful elements into the air that you breathe in your home. If this is the case, fixing your indoor air quality will likely require you to replace your entire cooling system.

Purchase an Air Purifier

One option that you can use to help eliminate pollutants from your air is to buy an air purifier to use at home. These machines filter out harmful pollutants from your indoor air to ensure that you’re not breathing them in. As long as you regularly clean the filters on these units as required and run them often, they can help to provide you with cleaner air.

As in the case of purchasing an air conditioner, you should be mindful of the amount of noise that your air purifier makes. You don’t want to end up replacing air pollution with noise pollution.

Ensure Your Windows are Working Appropriately

While performance windows are vital factors that protect you from the cold during the winter, they are also one of the most vital elements that protect you from air pollution during the summer.

For this reason, you need to check that your windows are working correctly and do not need to be replaced. If you find that you need to get your windows replaced, you can rely on our team to install any windows and doors in Toronto that you might need.

It is vital that your windows function correctly in the summer because you don’t want them to allow air to leak in on days when the weather forecast reports that the air quality in your city is poor. Likewise, you’ll want to be able to open your windows easily to let clean air in on days when the forecast reports cleaner air.

Don’t Pollute Your Own Air

Finally, it helps to be reminded that the leading cause of air pollution is ourselves. Keep in mind that you may be causing extra air pollution in your home, which you can quickly eliminate. If you want to live with cleaner air indoors, don’t let anyone smoke in your home and always use proper ventilation when cooking.

The summer has arrived, but that doesn’t mean that you should neglect your windows. Get in contact with us if you have damage to any of your doors or windows and are looking for an estimate on a new installation.