There’s nothing better than a win-win situation when it comes to improving your home. With energy-efficient windows, that’s what you’ll get. That’s because anytime you improve your home’s energy efficiency by making purchases that help reduce your home’s energy consumption, you gain financially and ecologically.

What are Energy Efficient Windows?

Energy-efficient windows are a kind of windows designed to maximize your home’s ability to save energy. One way they accomplish this is to prevent more heat from escaping through your windows with a better capacity for insulation.

Another way that windows can maximize energy efficiency is to allow more heat from sunlight to enter the home in the winter, which results in less work for your heating system. If your home currently contains old windows that are not designed to minimize energy loss, you’ll be interested in learning about how an energy efficient window replacement in your home can also save you money.

Four glass jars contain larger amounts of coins and a larger tree to suggest more savings.

Two Major Benefits

When you install any product into your home that helps you conserve energy, it provides two significant incentives:

  • Reduce Your Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint

Firstly, using less energy helps create a better environment by reducing the number of carbon emissions entering the atmosphere.

  • Saving You Money

Less power consumption means that your monthly electricity bill will be lower. So along with helping to save the planet, you’ll also save money.

Two Ways to Save Money

Along with saving on your monthly power bill, you can save even more money when you become eligible for government energy efficiency rebates. For example, when you need new windows in Toronto and opt to install energy-efficient windows, you might qualify for rebates in Canada. In this way, you’ll be getting paid to opt for lower bills: double the savings!

What is a Retrofit?

To qualify for a rebate for energy efficiency, you’ll need to ensure that your home is equipped with windows designed to conserve as much energy as possible. If you’re looking to get the most out of a new set of windows regarding the conservation of energy in your home, you’ll want to have a high performance window package installed by our team of experts.

The term retrofit refers to an upgrade of existing windows to a better option. To qualify for an energy efficiency retrofit rebate in Ontario, you need to ensure you follow a few steps, including:

  • Have a Pre- and Post-retrofit Evaluation
  • Complete an Eligible Retrofit
  • Keep Track of All Documents
  • Apply for Your Reimbursement

The best way to retrofit your home is to work with window manufacturers in Toronto that can provide you with professional installation services. At Casa Bella Windows and Doors, we can help to advise you on energy efficiency rebates to ensure that you’ll qualify.

A Variety of Styles

In order to qualify for a rebate, it won’t matter what energy efficient window types you have installed in your home as long as the windows you install are certified. This means that you won’t be limited by a few design choices. Along with a professional-grade installation, our Casa Bella Windows and Doors team can offer you design suggestions to perfectly complement your existing architecture and décor.

There is nothing better than a win-win situation. In the case of the energy efficiency of your windows, you win three times since you help the environment and can save money in two different ways. The best part is that when you install energy-efficient windows, you’ll continue to save money on your energy bill for years to come.

If you’re interested in upgrading your windows to an energy-efficient option and would like to know more about rebate options, please get in touch with us at Casa Bella Windows and Doors today.