In recent years, extreme weather seems to be a more common occurrence. For those living through the harsh Canadian winter, it makes sense to take a few precautions. One of the most critical tasks that you can do as a homeowner to prepare for an upcoming winter season is to do maintenance of your windows.

Check to See if You Need a Window Upgrade

Your windows provide an essential barrier to protect you from the cold outside. Not only do correctly functioning windows work to keep you warm, but they also help to keep the heat that you’ve warmed your house with indoors.

Consequently, the first and most crucial step in yearly winter window maintenance is to check to ensure that your current windows are up to the job of working correctly for the entire season. If you discover you require an upgrade, you may want to consider choosing performance windows that will make your home more energy efficient.

Winter Window Maintenance to Stay Warm this Season

Assessing Windows for Winter

This will involve checking for drafts and assessing whether your windows look worn out. If you notice common problems like a build-up of condensation that won’t go away or are experiencing difficulty operating your windows normally, then it may be time to consider a window replacement.

If you still aren’t sure whether you need a window upgrade, don’t wait until the middle of winter to find out. You can contact us at Casa Bell Windows & Doors to have a window expert assess your current windows and recommend solutions.

If you feel confident that your current windows are functioning properly, you can move on to other winter windows maintenance tasks.

Seal Your Windows

While air leaks and drafts are signs that you should get a window replacement in Toronto or any other city that experiences especially cold weather, you can also seal your windows for the winter to help keep your heat from escaping. One option that requires little maintenance is to purchase weatherstripping tape to seal the edges of your windows.

For a more permanent solution, you might consider buying caulking made specifically for sealing windows. If you choose this option, be sure to only touch up or replace existing caulking and be careful not to unintentionally coat the edges that allow your windows to open and close, or you could end up having to get window and door replacements during the winter months.

Add Window Treatments

Through the winter, the ability to control the amount of sunlight that enters your home can help to lower your power bill. Certain window treatments can also add an insulating layer to your windows. While this feature is not vital to the issue of winter maintenance, new window treatments can also change the personality of the décor in your rooms.

Cleaning Your Windows

As in the case of new window treatments with better control options, when you clean your windows before the winter begins, it will help to allow more sunlight into your home. Any time you can allow the sun to heat your home better will increase its energy efficiency and help to reduce your power bill.

Given that this also contributes to reduced carbon emissions, you can also get rebates for energy efficient windows that will help you pay for window upgrades.

Ensuring that your windows are properly cleaned will also help to keep them from wearing down, so you won’t have to pay for window replacements as often. You’ll also be able to enjoy your view of the outdoors clearly.

As the temperature changes, it is crucial to be mindful of the condition of your windows. Take proper care to perform these simple winter window maintenance tasks, and contact us at Casa Bella Windows & Doors when it comes time for an upgrade.